Antique and Rarities for sale in Australia » Other » Old 1818 Vintage Style Antique Brass Brunton Geological Compass W/Box mm
Old 1818 Vintage Style Antique Brass Brunton Geological Compass W/Box mm
Technical specifications, photos and description:
Brass Brunton CompassScience & Engineering Geological Vintage Marine gift
Madeof solid brass.Beautiful geological compass.Fully functional compass.Naturalsine index.Direction of north.Is very good condition.You can take this ascompass for surveying gifts for maritime gifts & nautical compass very niceyour event gifts.Its Rare Earth Ever-North magnet, sapphire jewel bearing, andmagnetic declination adjustment of +/-180 degrees ensure the compass isaccurate to within 0.5 degrees. Featuring precision aligned mirros forsee-through sighting plus short and long sights for increased accuracy.A Brunton Compasses is traditional instrument usedby geologists for measurement of the altitudes of structural features. Practicewith this compass will help person develop the ability to visualize lines andplanes in three-dimensional space. On the cover of this compass there is aNatural Sine Scale for calculations of different readings during survey.Under the cover is mirror used for taking reflecting readings from the dial.The compass is composed of magnetic needle that is balanced on pin so thatthe needle can rotate easily and becomes aligned with the magnetic field linesat the location of measurement. Approximate size 3" long 3" wide.BestFor GiftITEM IS REPRODUCTION NOT SOLD AS AN ANTIQUEA NICE GIFT TO PRESENT OR USE AS GREAT COLLECTABLEIf you have any question regarding item, please mail to us.QualityAssurance Quality is parameter where we make no compromises. The products that we offer to our clients arehigh in quality, beautifully designed and of high performance. We deliver ourclients nothing less than best. The products that are available at ourorganization are quality checked, before delivering them to the customers.Following are some of the parameterson which we judge the quality of our products:Superior quality raw material isused in the manufacturing process
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Finally checked thoroughly before batch inception. FeedBackWe request our allbuyers to please leave positive feedback. In case of any discrepancy arisingout of our product, kindly do discuss it before leaving any Negative/NeutralFeedback.SHIPPINGDelivery time is 6TO days from the date of purchase on working days. Remote areas or places orcities take upto 15 Days for shipment to be delivered.Please make sure toprovide your full address with all possible near by LAND MARKS with yourCORRECT contact phone number or mobile no. to avoid Shipment delay due to insufficientaddress.NOTE--ALL CUSTOM DUTYWILL BE PAID BY THE BUYERPayment
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