Antique and Rarities for sale in UK » Other » large vintage hand-carved wooden 'Dragon' box
large vintage hand-carved wooden 'Dragon' box
Technical specifications, photos and description:
Offered for sale is large vintage hand-carved wooden box with deeply carved dragon on the lid, with other dragons carved into the box sides. The inside of the box is divided into compartments. It has lock on the front. The dragon on the box lid faces away from the 'front' of the box which indicates it was made as presentation piece for use on desk, the dragon facing any visiting guest (a symbol of good fortune in Asia).
On the base of the box there is some faint writing which indicates the box was originally sold for 28 shillings. Box was probably made in Kashmir in the 1920s, but cannot be certain.
Faults: the original hinges are missing, and some nasty new ones have been placed in the hinge gap for reference only. Some of the original screws are present. There is also key, but this doesn't appear to be the correct one. It is not known if the lock works or not.
A dragon box of this size, 11 x7 inches, (28 18cms) and weight (1.1kg) is quite rare, it retains its original inserts, the box has not warped, closes evenly all around and is in good condition, simply needing pair of hinges to complete.
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