Antique and Rarities for sale in Canada » Other » Japanese Satsuma Hand Painted Plate Signed 7.25"
Japanese Satsuma Hand Painted Plate Signed 7.25"
Technical specifications, photos and description:
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Description: Offered here is beautiful Japanese Satsuma hand painted plate. Features three figures in the foreground with lake/floral decoration in the background. Signed. Please see our other listings for matching plate and cup and saucer.Condition: No chips or cracks. Crazing throughout with some slight discoloration. Dimensions:Appx. 7.25" DiamINV#:E1010
ShippingCharges: We ship Primarily via the United States Postal Service,we will sometimes ship via FedEx if we believe we can get it to youjust as fast and affordable. No other options are available unlessrequested prior to bidding and may only be considered at buyersexpense. Charges are normally to help us cover costs of material forpackaging. With large oversized or expensive items charges may bemore to again handle supplies as well as time taken for attention todetail. We try to use new or like new boxes, packing paper,bubble-wrap and like supplies. InternationalBuyers: We chargeshipping based upon the USPS International system. If an amount goesover $50.00 in value we will only ship it with Priority or Express,mail regardless how small an item. That allows for tracking. There'sno tracking for first class shipping. Pleasenote importduties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price orshipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Pleasecheck with your country's customs office to determine what theseadditional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. We will notfalsify claims.Insurance:We reserve the right to use or not apply insurance to any package.You are welcome to pay for it and it will be applied on your behalfguaranteed. ShippingTime Frame: We try to ship within two days of being paid.Although we most likely will not ship Friday after noon until thenext Monday. If you have an urgent request please let us know we willtry to do our best to serve you.Guarantee:We want you to be satisfied with your purchase. So if you are notsatisfied please contact us once you receive your item and we willhandle each transaction in more than fair way. We do ask if youwish to return something that you the buyer pays for the return.IndianaResidents: Sales tax will be added to both the shipping chargesand the total of your item(s) as required by the state law. You arewelcome to submit tax I.D. Through ebay to be considered taxexempt. You are also welcome to pick an item up during normalbusiness hours.
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