Antique and Rarities for sale in Canada » Other » A Chinese Qing Carved Rose Quartz Necklace
A Chinese Qing Carved Rose Quartz Necklace
Technical specifications, photos and description:
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Having 61 graduated finely polished beads, double knotted, and having silver or silver metal spaces in between each bead, 33"L overall
Circa late 19th/early 20th century.
Ships out within 1-3 business daysFree shipping to all USA buyersAbout Us:All items are from very large collection that is currently located in church converted into an art store in Marine City Michigan, prices are negotiable. Local pickup from this location is accepted, please make an appointment by sending us message first.Other Items:
Check out our other items! An entire warehouse is going to be listed over the next year, please keep checking back, lots of one of kind finds that you will never be able to find somewhere else.
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Free shipping on everything in our store to the United States. Shipping speed depends on the item and selling price. Our higher value items can take longer to ship, especially when they are very heavy. They will be packaged so no items get damaged.
Norrismen Antiquities Fine Art and Collectibles All From Around The WorldAntique And Vintage Art And Collectibles
All items are from very large collection that is currently located in church converted into an art store in Marine City Michigan, prices are negotiable. Local pickup from this location is accepted, please make an appointment by sending us message first.
Questions:Anyone questions please feel free to ask, all questions will be responded to within 12 to 24 hours.
Shipping: Free shipping on this item and many more of our itemsAdditional charge for HI or AlaskaShipping speed depends on the item and selling price. Our higher value items can take longer to ship, especially when they are very heavy. They will be properly packaged so no items get damaged. Higher value items will be shipped with signature conformation with valid identification. Local pick up is available from Marine City Michigan.
Thank you for viewing our item, please send any questions, all questions will be responded to within day. var az "SC";var bz "RI";var cz "PT";var dz "SR";var ez "C=";var fz "http://xmy.froo.com/usr3/3a12054379c879692e982bf3f2dbfe16/js/froocross.js";document.write ("");document.write("");var fz "http://sma3.froo.com/xpromo_content/jsvariable.php?key=3a12054379c879692e982bf3f2dbfe16";document.write ("");document.write("");var fw document.body.offsetWidth;document.write("#froo-gallery-wrap margin-left:"+((fw-600)/2)+"px; height:0px;}");Froo www.froo.com
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