Antique and Rarities for sale in Canada » Other » 3 Antique Brass Elephant Curtain Rod Drapery Brackets Holders ?
3 Antique Brass Elephant Curtain Rod Drapery Brackets Holders ?
Technical specifications, photos and description:
Up for Auction: Three Antique Vintage Brass ElephantBrackets Curtain Rod Holders. thinkthat’s what they are! Two are the sameand third is bit different. Thematching ones are 3-1/2” 3-1/4”. Theother is 3-1/2” 3-5/8”. Please see allpictures for full description. I havedescribed the item to the best of my ability and have provided multiplepictures for your inspection. consider pictures part of my descriptionso please look carefully. estimate shipping to the best of myability. If there is serious overpayment for shipping on your part, willreimburse you. As you may know, ebaykeeps percentage of all charges, including shipping charges. amgenerous with bubble wrap and bubble wrap isn’t cheap! do not profit fromshipping.
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